Valerio Di Giampietro

Personal Web Site

Posta che rifiutiamo considerandola Spam

English version here
Nel corso del mese di dicembre 2006 abbiamo provveduto ad installare un nuovo filtro per bloccare le email indesiderate (“spam”) e le email contenenti virus o files potenzialmente pericolosi per la sicurezza della nostra rete.
Le emails possono essere bloccate per le seguenti ragioni:

  1. il server che ci invia posta per conto del mittente è stato incluso in una lista nera (black list) di server usati dagli spammers. In questo caso l’errore ritornato al mittente &egrave: “554 Rejected as spam x.x.x.x
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Emails that we reject as spam

Italian version here
In December 2006 we installed a new anti-spam/anti-virus email filter.
Emails can be blocked for the following reasons:

  1. the sender’s email server has been included in a blacklist of known spammers. In this case the error returned to the server is “554 Rejected as spam x.x.x.x found in” or “554 Rejected as spam see:” where “x.x.x.x” is the sender’s server IP address.
    This means that this server has been included in one of the two blacklists that I am using.
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Fighting Spam

The increase of Spam is a trend that started few years ago and it is continuously expanding, but to fight it there is plenty of good Open Source software. To use it effectively, anyway, it is needed a good knowledge of how spam floods our inboxes.

How spammers collect email addresses

The most used address gathering technique is using virus and spyware software that, without user awareness, gather email addresses from Outlook (or other email software) address-books and send this information to the spammers.… Read the rest