I did a presentation at the Hack in Paris 2019 – Cyber Security Conference on 19th June 2019 about “Introduction to IoT Reverse Engineering with an example on a home router”.
Here you can find:
- The presentation in pdf format, in the last pages of the presentation you will find the links to everything I talked about;
- The annotated presentation in pdf format with the actual transcript of the presentation
GitHub repositories related to the Home Router Example
- adbtools2: tools for hacking ADB Epicentro routers (the example home router), including firmware modification kit and VOIP password recovery;
- Buildroot-armv7: a set of scripts, configuration files and Buildroot external tree to setup a Qemu emulation environment to run and reverse engineer the Netgear DVA 5592 executables. This environment uses Docker, Buildroot and Qemu to emulate a board with an ARMv7 Cortex A9 processor, Linux kernel 3.4.11-rt19, uClibc, and old versions of other libraries.
Reverse engineering and physical disassembly
- Introduction to reverse engineering, Mike Anderson, Embedded Linux Conference 2018, slides and video;
Recommended Books
- Chris Simmonds – Mastering Embedded Linux Programming – Second Edition – Packt Publishing 2017;
- Norman Matloff , Peter Jay Salzman – The Art of Debugging with GDB, DDD and Eclipse – NO STARCH PRESS 2008;